Cheryl Campbell
author : Cheryl Campbell
Early in her career as an elementary school teacher, Cheryl recognized the power of books and reading. She realized with her own two children that children who are read to at an early age are encouraged to read on their own, and that books and reading spark creativity, imagination, and verbal skills.\nCheryl is excited to bring to children of all ages stories with characters that could very well end up being as well-known as Rudolph, Santa Claus, and The Grinch. Her first children's book Darling the Curly Tailed Reindoe Saves Christmas is quickly becoming a holiday favorite for children. Her third book, Billy Mouse's Christmas Stocking, follows the adventures of Billy Mouse as he has to make a tough decision!\nCheryl was born in the Chicago area, she was an elementary school teacher and the owner of a pre-school. Later she went into sales and marketing while living in the Atlanta area. She is the mother of 2 grown children and has 2 beautiful granddaughters. She and her husband now live on the west coast of Florida.